Help requested
I take your point that all of us should get to know the candidates in local races, but I could use some more help from Lumina News.
I moved my main home from another city to Wrightsville Beach recently—last Thursday—and I am up to my eyeballs in boxes. It would be enormously helpful to me and maybe others if the paper would endorse a slate, even if it were posted only to the website. I promise to do my own homework next time.
Bob Peek
Ed. note: Lumina News’ policy does not endorse candidates.
Many thanks
The Harbor Island Garden Club was pleased to present a check in the amount of $6,000.00 to the Town of Wrightsville Beach at the April 10, 2014 Board of Aldermen meeting.
The donation represented all proceeds from the Mistletoe in March Community Tag Sale that the Club organized to benefit the purchase of utility pole light display units for the holiday season.
The Club collaborated with the Town to order six additional LED light units through an early order incentive program in order to maximize the donation.
Many thanks to all who insured the success of this fund raising effort. With the enthusiastic cooperation of residents, supporters, Town staff and our Club members, Wrightsville Beach will enjoy a brighter glow this holiday season!
Cynthia Jupp
Publicity Chair, Harbor Island Garden Club