After school dismisses at noon Sept. 26, the Wrightsville Beach School PTA will transform school grounds into a 1950s-era carnival in honor of the school’s 60th
The WBS Back to School Carnival combines two of the PTA’s big events: the back-to-school picnic, where students and parents socialize during the first month of school, and the annual Fall Festival, the organization’s main fundraiser with games and food.
Even though the event has a different name, date and theme than the Fall Festival, PTA President Elizabeth Beacham said the carnival will be the same opportunity to have fun while bringing in money for the school.
“It’s always a favorite among the students, first and foremost, but also for the parents, teachers and staff. It’s a great time for everybody to come together and get to know each other, celebrate the school and have fun with their friends outside the classroom,” Beacham said.
Melissa Ellison, chair of the committee planning the carnival, said she is excited to recreate something new for students.
“We have a circus once or twice a year, but the kids don’t really get to see what an old-timey carnival is. For the first time, they’ll get to see that atmosphere,” Ellison said.
Students will enter the carnival through a big balloon arch adorned with popcorn buckets. Classic red and white striped tents will anchor games and activities, all named for popular slang of the time, like the Way Out Bungee Run, Kookie Hippity Hop and the Big Daddy Sock Hop featuring music by local DJ Mike Worley.
“It’s going to be bright and colorful, and that raises the level of excitement,” Ellison said.
The carnival will also include a cakewalk, face painting, sack races, a bounce house and obstacle course, photo tent with 1950s props and an opportunity to plunge teachers and coaches into water in a dunk tank.
“The kids are really excited about that,” Ellison said.
While familiar fare from Trolly Stop, Moe’s, Little Caesar’s and Rita’s will be available, carnival staples like popcorn and cotton candy are new to the menu.
“We definitely couldn’t do it without cotton candy,” Ellison said.
Kids and parents are encouraged to dress up in ’50s attire. Ellison and her daughter plan to dress as Pink Ladies from “Grease.”
Wristbands to the WBS Back to School Carnival cost $15 for the first child, $10 for the second, and $5 for each additional child. The PTA reinvests profits from the fundraiser in the school by purchasing school supplies not provided by the county school system, including materials needed for the school’s marine science program.
The carnival is open to the public. Wristbands and food tickets will be available at the welcome tent.
Beacham encouraged the public to attend and support the teachers and programs that make the school unique.
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