In what was her first-ever rescue, a rookie Wrightsville Beach Ocean Rescue lifeguard revived an unconscious boy on Thursday afternoon by using emergency resuscitation...
By Scott Marx
Contributing Writer
Continuing a years-old tradition, the 2018 Wrightsville Beach Ocean Rescue team was announced Monday, May 3. The initial roster was...
Wrightsville Beach and New Hanover County emergency responders were unable to revive a woman who was pulled from the ocean on Saturday afternoon, however,...
By Jana Mackin
Contributing Writer
Dozens of veteran and current lifeguards shared generations of memories, smiles and tears in a calling that has evolved from metal...
Wrightsville Beach lifeguards pulled at least nine people from rough rip currents this afternoon, including a dramatic board rescue where five people struggling in...
After reports of a missing swimmer in the Masonboro Inlet, a search by rescue crews from Wrightsville Beach Police, Wrightsville Beach Ocean Rescue, the...