62.1 F
Wrightsville Beach
Thursday, May 2, 2024

Beach blotter

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Delayed report

A 30-year-old man drove to the Wrightsville Beach Police Department Monday, Jan. 5, to report an assault at Lagerheads Tavern over the previous weekend. The man described the incident as an unprovoked assault by two men but could not provide any definite information about his alleged attackers’ identities. The man said he was knocked unconscious at the time but did not request any police or emergency medical service.

Hovering iPhone thief 

A 22-year-old female reported to Wrightsville Beach Police her iPhone 5 was stolen from her while she was at the bar in Red Dogs Friday, Jan. 9. The victim said she left her phone on the bar and then turned around to find it missing. While she could not provide any definitive suspect information, the victim said she noticed a man hovering around her that evening.

Stealing the show

Wrightsville Beach Police Officers were out on patrol around the downtown Wrightsville Beach bars Sunday, Jan. 11, just after 2 a.m. and saw a man run from 22 North Restaurant and Bar carrying a four-tier light show system.

The man, 24-year-old Matthew McGee of Wilmington, had taken the system from the DJ inside the bar and boarded a nearby party bus with it.

The officers witnessed the man board the bus and stopped the vehicle shortly afterward. McGee was arrested for possession of stolen goods.

Backing up

Wrightsville Beach Police officers were on patrol around 2:30 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 11, in the downtown district when they heard a sound that appeared to be a vehicle crash in the Roberts Grocery parking lot.

When the officers arrived they found 22-year-old Arielle Moore of Winston-Salem had backed up into an unoccupied parked vehicle while attempting to leave the parking lot.

The officers suspected Moore of driving while impaired and she registered between .17 and .18 percent on a blood alcohol concentration test. Moore was arrested for driving while impaired.

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