By Lynne Doyle
Wrightsville Beach, NC – Today marks the end of the meeting year for the Wrightsville Beach Board of Alderman.
An 83 page agenda of town business can be found here:
Items for interest include:
Approval of the 2023 meeting schedule (consent agenda)
Consideration of the 2021-2022 Audit Report from Marcia Spivey, Martin Starnes & Associates (presentations)
Consider a request from Station One Condos for a right-of-way encroachment along South Lumina Ave. to replace the existing wood fence (regular agenda)
Direction to apply for a 2023 NC Parks and Recreation Trust Fund grant to assist in improvements for the Wrightsville Beach Park
Also noted is a closed session to consult with an attorney in order to preserve the client-attorney privilege as allowed under North Carolina General Statute 143-318 11(A)(3)